Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Taliban Extend Control

Today I read a news article that gives reason to worry. A BBC correspondent suggests that are only 38% of the north-west region is still under Pakistani control. Right now, the Pakistani rejects the findings as wrong. As a result, another country joined the fight against the Taliban; the UK gave $19 million in humanitarian aid to the NWFP (North West Frontier Province).

Meanwhile, the Pakistani military continues its offensive against the Taliban in Swat Valley. The fight becomes tougher by the hour with extremists planting bombs, mines, and even entrenching themselves. Families are praying to the government to respond quickly, with most of them running away, leaving everything they ever owned behind. It is not the electricity, the poor living conditions or other circumstances that worry citizens right now; it is the Taliban who increase their influence by the minute.

The situation seems to get out of hand, with extremists attacking schools, governmental buildings, and police stations. Right now, nobody is save in any part of the country. Nobody really knows where exactly the Taliban are. Their presence is spread all over the country, with some districts under their full control. Some Pakistanis see only one option; flee the country. Tenth of thousand of people have already fled the region. Officials predict that many more will follow. They have to get the situation under the control as soon as possible.



  1. WOW! It's really scary to see how much of Pakistan the Taliban actually controls. It is one thing to hear about this stuff on the news but to see a map really made the threat come to life.

  2. I have found some of the same stuff. I hope that Pakistan can hold the taliban at bay. They should be open to ideas about joining forces with possibly another country to help stop the Taliban. They are a very serious threat not only to Pakistan, but the entire world due to the fact that if they take over Pakistan, they will have access to Nuclear weapons
