With the Taliban moving ever so close to the capital of Pakistan, the fighting has left scenic country side and is now moving towards more populated areas. This poses a major problem for the Pakistani Military because they are more suited for fighting conventional battles. Their military has long been posted on the eastern border by India, preparing for battle as tensions between the two countries arise. This has left them lacking in the military skills required to flush out militant enemies such as the Taliban.
With the Taliban moving closer and closer to Islamabad, the fighting will now endanger more civilians. The tactical methods of the Pakistani military will now be stressed even more. With close quarter urban warfare, the potential for more civilian and solider injuries and fatalities are more likely to happen. This has cause a major movement of populations in these northern regions in to refugee camps.
Although some articles make it seem as if Pakistan is unable to control the Taliban advances, according to Associated Press writers in Islamabad, the Pakistani Military has killed over 1,000 Taliban fighters. this is very positive in the fight against terrorism. Troops are now surrounding and entering towns and villages in the Northern Territories and flushing the militants out. According to Interior Minister Rehman Malik the operation in Swat and surrounding areas would "continue till the last Taliban are flushed out." It (Khan, Khan The Associated Press.)
The current war on terror in Pakistan must be handled with extreme care. Pakistan must continue to stand firm on terrorism, and squash and uprising that the Taliban has. In doing this Pakistan can help preserve their country by showing the terrorist that Pakistan does not tolerate militants with in their borders.
I agree one hundred percent with you Kevin. Pakistan needs to stand their ground and not back down to terrorism. I feel that if they begin to slack that the Taliban will slowly move downwards are try to take over more.